Would love for when someone clicks the RSVP No button in an event invite email from Campaign Monitor, for RedArc to update their status to Declined in RE, similar to when unsubscribed is clicked and it updates the solicit code in RE.
Would love for when someone clicks the RSVP No button in an event invite email from Campaign Monitor, for RedArc to update their status to Declined in RE, similar to when unsubscribed is clicked and it updates the solicit code in RE.
The activity sync should include in the action record created a link back to the Campaign Email in Campaign Monitor. This way users can see exactly what email was sent
Be able to choose which types of activity (opens, sends, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes) are synced to Raisers Edge as actions, and which are not.
It would be nice if you could check a box such that when you change an action added through one to many it automatically updated the rest.
This feature will enable multiple email addresses to receive emails with regards to updates in EMC behaviour. This can range from FTP details needing to be updated to unexpected export changes.
Add options to configure additional fields (e.g. addresses, phone numbers) for the add by list feature
When loading an updated email address for a donor where the previous address bounced, the new address is updated but the status remains "Bounced".
Proposed update is to create a new record instead of updating the existing bounced record for these cases
Currently it only adds the specified constituent code for new subscribers when the constituent doesn't exist in RE. Add an option in the settings to also add the constituent code even if the constituent exists
Add this optional additional indicator when hard bounce received from marketing platform. Email type to use to be selectable by customer.
Ability to view constituent transfer logs
Potential inclusions
Modify activity tile sync to match on all constituent's email addresses (currently matches on primary email only)
Enable selection of a folder as an alternative to a single file. With this option, all files in the folder will be processed as a single list sync. This will allow large Queue exports to be broken out into separate files in order to impove (queue) performance.
Can we specify the delimiter when concatenating fields? We would like Constituent Codes and Solicit Codes to be separated with a double pipe so they can go into a multiple options – select many options type of field. Is this possible? https://help.campaignmonitor.com/import-file-multiple-value-custom-fields
Add the ability for unsubscribe events to be mapped to a correspondence response. Currently unsubscribes are included as solicit codes and in the description
When multiple email columns are exported allow the connector to pick the first one available (left to right in file).
Add option to select setting this option instead of adding a Solicit Code / Consent Entry when an unsubscribe is received from the connected marketing platform.
Allow Appeal or Action creation to be specified by originating list in addition to the global switch.
CM (on some plans?) auto-generates engagement categories as segments
if available in the API - these would be FANTASTIC to sync to Engagement Tile!
When a gift is sent, it should appear as an attachment on Constituent.