Sort generated bulk letter run PDF alphabetically
Jun 12, 2023
Sort generated bulk letter run PDF alphabetically. Provide options to customer around which field to use for the sort.
Sort generated bulk letter run PDF alphabetically. Provide options to customer around which field to use for the sort.
Letter Box bulk letter downloads are now sorted by the constituent name. The sort order is by Last Name, First Name, then Name (so organizations are sorted too). Sorting is limited to new bulk letter runs only.
We've also added the option to download the PDFs as a zip folder.
Happy sending!
At least publishing how the letters are currently sorted would be helpful. Surely the default isn't a random sort, but some field that makes it appear random, like "created date"
This would be really helpful! Especially as we consider using Letter Box for our giving statements this year!
This would be sooooooo helpful!!
Currently investigating new List BB Sky API to determine if sort order is passed through to Letter Box. This would then be pass through to the generated PDF