Organisation record support
Jul 27, 2022
Clients when using Letterbox and wanting to send a letter to an Organisation usually want to address it to the person that is the main contact. In RE NXT that is defined by a relationship for which the primary identification type is usually different per Organisation.
Proposed feature:
- An organisation settings tile in the setup panel
- Options to select the primary organisation relationship type
- Options for name, attention, salutation if no relationship matches or exists
- Personalisation fields to be accessible under: {{PrimaryContact.name/attention/salutation etc. }}}
Support for Organization Records was completed and released earlier this year.
You can view our guide here: https://redarc.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/article/1970274306
Hi Stu! As Kimberly said, we at Simply Solved, love Letter Box and have been recommending to anyone that will listen. I see this ticket was set to "In progress". Is there an update or estimated time frame of when this functionality will be developed that we can give to our clients and potential future Letter Box users?
Organizations are one of the highest percentages of donor constituency types. This feature is essential for Donor Stewardship Letters.
Absolutely required.
I'm not entirely sure how to add a vote - but I vote yes please!!!! We are loving Letter Box and are so pleased with how easy it is to use. Not being able to print letters for our organizations is so incredibly disappointing! Thank you for escalating this issue so that LetterBox can be what all of RE clients neeeeed!!!!
Kimberly Tzakos your vote is in! We're working hard to schedule in the development for this feature - we know how much it will help organisations :)