Additional Personalization Fields
In progress
Jul 27, 2022
We're always happy to review additional fields for inclusion as a Personalization Field.
To request a field that would help you - simply add it in the comments below (how you would like to use the field is helpful too!) THANKS!!
Would love the ability to create a letter to the 'soft credit' recipient but reference the donor (IRA/DAF) in the body of letter. We sent a lot of IRA and Donor Adv Fund letters but need to address the letter to the soft credit on the gift. thanks!
Org Name
The failure to have this exposed means organisations will have to use Constituent Name Field and have seperate templates for use with Orgs.
Formatted Address / Address Block
(from Amy Daultrey Krishnaswamy)
Letter Code
(from church divinity school of the pacific)
Check Number and Check Date
(from church divinity school of the pacific)
Stu Hawkins Can you slack me the code to add these (and letter code) manually please Lukas Zimmermann
Pledge Balance (from Martha O'Bryan Center)
Card type and masked card number for gifts
(from Jenny Mulcock)