Ability to link pledges and gift installments
Under review
Jul 10, 2023
When a letter is created for a gift instalment (that is part of a pledge), the remaining pledge balance cannot be added to the letter as that info is not available for that gift in RE. However, the pledge gift, which does include the remaining balance, is linked as a part of that gift.
Feature request is to populate that pledge balance field with the balance amount from the pledge gift.
Just attempted to use the "pledge balance" field and got "$NaN" back. The field in gift template still does not properly fill, and now it's available in the pledge schedule template but that template is not available for use on gift records (and doesn't properly pull the gift information).
Would love to see this pledge balance field fixed (properly linked to the pledge balance field on the original pledge record) or removed so no one is confused about what the tool can do
Our pledge payment acknowledgements include both the initial pledge amount and the remaining balance. Agree that we would be unable to use Letter Box for this group of donors as is.
This would also be highly usable in my office! We have a lot of major donors that make pledges and then pay it off over time. Our templates prior to Letter Box would include a "pledge balance" so our constituents are used to seeing the information after a gift payment. We need this to have a more seamless transition to Letter Box.